I’m sitting in London looking out at the melancholy sky.
My eyes are so heavy I can barely keep them open.
Tired, with only 3 more hours until I board my final flight into Budapest.
The journey to this point has been comical and at times frustrating.
Oh the joys of international flying; yet even with the headaches - I still love traveling.
On my last day in the US friends look me out for a final Mexican feast/birthday send off. We ate at this amazing place in Long Beach and then headed to LAX.
Since I am moving, I’m traveling with so much more than I am comfortable packing. Usually my bags are small/light… not this trip! I’m packing almost 100 pounds in my two carry on bags! It’s pretty much everything but the kitchen sink. Getting them to let me take both bags on the plane was an effort. It took 3 tries and the 3rd time was a charm. However, in the process I got my fingernail almost ripped off. I’m serious. Go ahead, take a look at the 4th fingernail on your right hand, now imagine it getting torn halfway back… Painful. That is how I started my venture.
It gets even better… my flight leaving LA was delayed. Since I’m using my miles to fly for free I’m stopping in Dallas, then London, then Budapest. When we landed in Dallas, I had 15 minutes to get to my gate. They held the plane and let me out first. I’m running as fast as I can (w heavy carry-on’s) through the airport to catch the tram to the next terminal. I get on the tram with 10 minutes to spare and the tram breaks down! Needless to say, I missed my flight but was connected on a flight leaving one hour later. Once I arrived in London, I had to go through the check in process again…this time a grumpy lady took my carry on bag with all my breakables and checked it. I do not like her!
I missed my flight out of London and have to wait here at the airport for 6 hours. I have read a book, walked around, been so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, and I sat in chocolate so it looks like I shit my pants! Yes, I could not make this up if I tried. So, I did what any normal girl would do; I went shopping and grabbed a coffee. :) Feeling better. Looking forward to getting out of airports soon.
Been trying to get a hold of my friend who is driving from Serbia to Budapest to pick me up but can’t reach him. He’s going to be waiting 7 hours. Oy vey!
When life hands you lemons, sometimes it’s best to add vodka!
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