Saturday, August 14, 2010

From Bad to Good

A bird shit on me and that was the best part of my day!  The wise say that having a bird poop on you is good luck. I need that good luck to kick in. So, maybe this is the low point… maybe it’s only going to get better from here… 

 I’m having a rough day. I’m in Europe; I’m grateful, yes – I know… But it’s still been a tough day. I received some bad news. That’s life. We all have good and bad days. I keep thinking all I want to do is go home. But, where is home? I’ve put everything I own in storage to move to Europe… I sigh –I take a deep breath. 

 I’m a yoga teacher who is part Zen and part panic attack! I’m sitting on a bus crying in Croatia. One of my pet peeves is people who cry in public! And today, I am that person. No longer afraid of emotions – I embrace what life hands me… the good, the bad, and everything in between… 

So on this bus ride to the island I’ve decided to clear my head. Humbling asking for peace within. I sit. I wait. Peace arrives. I’m realizing that home is within. Finding peace on the inside. Once on the island what appeared to be a horrible day started to shift. My perception changed and I started to once again see the good. View my situation from a different angle. I am in awe of how when letting go of fear, space is created for good things to happen. 

Yogi friends met me, with an apartment on the beach. We had an amazing evening. I had arrived on the night known as “Rain of meteors”… stars were set to fall from the sky. Late at night, we walked out on the pier, ate a tub of ice cream, and drank a bottle of wine (yes, even yoga teachers eat terrible sometimes). The sky was clear as we laid on our backs. Each making 3 wishes. Each watching the stars fall from the sky. It was one of the most memorable evenings I’ve had in a long time. 

I am grateful that the bad shifted to good. I am at home; I’ve found peace within…


  1. This felt SO real. It's normal to have highs and lows, but you're in a situation where almost everything is unknown, and thus all senses are heightened. The good thing is, putting yourself into the unknown and being open and vulnerable is when you learn these soul lessons about where "home" really is.

    Sending love and wishes for the bird shit to fall where it may. xoxo

  2. Thanks Rebecca. Sometimes writing is at its best when you're honest with emotions. I am feeling much better. Still wondering WTF am I doing most days but moving forward... one day at a time. :) Love you my friend!
