Tuesday, August 23, 2011


"It's a natural part of life to have periods of activity & growth followed by periods of quiet.  Sometimes we need to rest in order to integrate a new vision of the world, or ourselves, taking time to assimilate realizations & let old patters & habits fall away.  While it may appear that nothing is happening, these can be necessary periods of rest & integration to stabilize our new growth.
At times, we may be afraid to invite more change.  Yet change is the nature of reality.  Just as a plateau is a good location to get our bearings, to see where we have come from & where we might go next, it is also a place we must not be afraid to leave if we are to move to the next level.
There is no time to not be our your path.  This is not to say that you cannot ever rest or stop.  It is not about overachieving or overworking yourself; it is just about challenging yourself to always be awake in your life, to keep showing up in the moment.  If you need to rest, do so for the present. 
But if you are stagnating -numbing out, escaping or being unconscious- it is up to you to acknowledge it.
Often stagnation settles in just before an important breakthrough.  It helps to explore the stagnation in order to move beyond it.  Have compassion for yourself as you work to remove the obstacles to your progress.  With persistence, you will be on your way to the next plateau."  -Bits taken from the Daily OM
I'm learning to love the plateaus as they are short & full of wisdom. 
Taking the time to reflect & rest AND enjoy the view...

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