Friday, April 8, 2011

a love for travel...

The morning was still dark as I drove my friend to LAX.
4:30 AM is no time for deep thinking - or is it?
I found myself in complete excitement that I was driving someone to the International Terminal at the Los Angeles Airport.  Even at bloody 4:30 AM!  I wished I was the one flying...  I found myself thinking about the joys of travel.  The learning experiences.  The excitement.  The thrill of the unknown.

I find traveling to be one of the pure joys of my life.
It's an experience one can not describe in words.
It truly changes the way one looks at life.
To travel is to see the world through a different set of glasses.
To walk into a culture - an unknown - where all judgements are proven wrong.
To learn that the world truly is a beautiful place as vast and different as it is. 
To be unexpectedly surprised by the learning process that only comes from getting one's-self out of their comfort-zone.  That to me, is the best life has to offer.

Pulling up to LAX - I allow my mind to shift back to reality.  I hugged my friend goodbye as he ventured off for a month of exploring in Central and South America.
Driving back home at 5:30 AM, the morning was still dark...
I found myself smiling as I dreamed of my next trip.

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