Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday at Schonbrunn

Schonbrunn Palace - one of my favorite places in Vienna.  It is about 10 minutes from my apartment.  I like to go here and read.  As long as the weather is nice, it's going to be my Sunday afternoon routine.  The place is filled with beautiful gardens, water fountains, and a walk up a small hill that gives an amazing view of the city.  There are statutes everywhere and benches for people to sit and enjoy the surroundings.  Just yesterday, I found myself in awe that this is where I get to come and hang out.  Amazing views and peaceful settings! 

This spot holds some fun memories.  The first time I was here I was leading a study abroad trip and as the professor I had given the students a lecture on staying together and not going off alone.  I did not take my own advice.  I decided to go explore Schonburnn... and I forgot the time.  All the sudden I looked and had only minutes to get to Westbahnhof, the main train station.  It was like a scene from a movie.  I am not kidding... I was running with luggage.  Students were on the train holding the doors open.  The train started to roll down the tracks, 2 guys threw my bags onboard, and I jumped on the moving train.  And, the students loved that I was the one who was late.  :-)
Schonburnn Palace, it's a beautiful place.  One you can go to and easily forget the time.  My new Sunday afternoon spot.   

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