Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Broken Wrist

I broke my wrist! Hate to admit it but I was doing some partner yoga at this mini hippie festival and took a fall. Here is what I've learned:
- you can brake a bone & still move it
- broken bones hurt like hell!
- never trust a person who has been drinking and says they're also a yoga teacher... Never!
- never let another yogi practice partner yoga with you if any ounce of alcohol has been involved... Never ever!
- Acro yoga and alcohol do not mix
- when booking music festivals, only teach yoga poses where your feet are on the ground
- even if you are sober, it doesn't mean other practicing yogis around you are
- I'm way over trusting with others...must be more safe with my own body.

Stupid was I to allow another yoga teacher who had been drinking to be my base in acro-yoga. Our first stunt went perfect. The second sequence ended in me taking quite a fall. It was either going to be my neck or my wrist... My wrist is broken. I thought it was just a sprain and tried to teach a class on it right after but when I could not put any weight on it in downdog and sharp pain shot through my entire body I knew something was wrong. I'm lucky it's only a broken wrist. Now 6-8 weeks of recovery I will learn to be an excellent verbal yoga instructor. Sitting on the plane flying back to California with quite a souvenir from this trip... My first and hopefully last broken bone from careless yoga.

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